Monday, October 29, 2012

Individual Constraints

Before you read this, you should know that it might take me a while to get to my point...but just know that everything I say is leading up to it.

Ok. So I know a two and a half hour History of Psychology class sounds painfully boring, but it's not when you're taking it from a master-genius-guru-sensei hybrid. AKA Dr. Jeff Reber. Today we were talking about the ideas of Free Will vs Determinism and so he decided to bring in his own idea of Contextual Agency. Now, everyone's supposed to be able to choose which theory to believe...but I'm just going to go ahead and tell you which one to believe. Contextual Agency. Allow me to tell you all about it.

We have our agency, but we also have surroundings that affect the decisions we are capable of making. These surroundings provide both constraints and possibilities. For example, we have a body. Everyone's body is different and allows each of us to do different things. A person that is 6'8" will probably be able to dunk a basketball, while someone who is 5' probably will not be able to.

Now, moving on to a more broad idea. We are surrounded by a certain physical environment. Say we are in a room and we want to get out. Merleu-Ponty has presented this idea of specially favored modes of resolution. In this situation the door is specially favored because it was designed to help us exit a room. The wall, however, is not specially favored. As much as we might want it to happen, we cannot choose to walk through the wall. If the doors become barricaded, then the air ducts become specially favored. Do you see the point?

Finally, we come to the limitations placed on us through the social environment. We are restricted by social norms. For example, when you are walking around in a grocery store, you simply do not grab things out of another person's cart. It is just not socially acceptable.

So what's my point? Everyone is restricted by physical and social limitations. They are different for everyone and we cannot judge others righteously without considering their own personal restraints. What we tend to do is apply our own constraints on other people. If we were able to get past a certain situation why can't they? Why do they dress so immodestly if I was able to go throughout all my life dressing modestly? The truth is that we do not know what they are going through. We do not know all of their physical surroundings or their social surroundings. We do not know the trials that they have been through. And most of all, we will be judged, and as Matthew 7:1-2 says, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." We cannot force our constraints on other people. They have their own constraints that shape who they are today. How would we feel if on our judgement day, our trials were taken out of the context of our life's situation? Nothing that happened to shape our lives would matter and we would receive a much harsher judgement.

Of course, we will be judged righteously and fairly in the final judgement day, but hopefully this helps us to put ourselves in other people's shoes. We cannot forget our imperfections. As the hymn says, "Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly." This all ties back to having Christ-like attributes. We must see through His eyes when we look at other people. Another favorite scripture of mine is 1 Samuel 16:7 which says, "...Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature...for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

So I leave you with this. Before making a judgement, consider all the possibilities. Is there a reason behind this person's actions? Look at their heart, not on their appearance. You never know how much suffering someone goes through on a daily basis. This is something I definitely need to work on. It will be hard to do, and it is not an immediate change we can make, but if we can at least catch ourselves doing it and become aware of it, that's a step in the right direction.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I was just listening to Dia Frampton's song, Inventing Shadows. The line I love most from this song is "Don't you know the world shines every time you smile? Why can't you just smile?" So answer me. Why can't you just smile? There is so much around you to be grateful for! There are several people who are much worse off than you are.

Looking around, sometimes I feel like I can't keep going on and feel like there are so many things going wrong in my life, but then I stop and truly see the world around me. I am at BYU. That alone is reason enough to keep me smiling for quite some time. I live with 5 other wonderful people. Each of them have amazing personalities that keep me motivated in my schoolwork. I just ate a wonderful homemade dinner consisting on breaded chicken and mashed potatoes. The fact that I have food is something that hundreds of thousands of people cannot say. I have socks, I have a bed, I have a shower, clean running water, I have a blanket, a TV, a cell phone, a loving family back home, and most importantly, I have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. If that can't make me smile, I don't know what can.

Now, I'm not saying that you should always be smiling, although that would be a great work out for the muscles in your face. There are times that should be serious, times that are hard on the soul. In these times, we should always have a smiling heart. A heart full of gratitude and unconditional love for our Savior. Never forget to count your blessings, name them one by one.

Smile at your friends. Smile at nature. Smile at the fact the fact that you have the technology to view this blog post. Smile in the face of temptation. Smile in times of adversity. Smile.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scripture Power

Scriptures are truly an amazing thing to have in our lives. It can bring amazing realizations and comfort if we study them on a daily basis. Today in my scripture study I happened upon this scripture found in Alma 34:41 which says

"But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."

What a beautiful scripture to come across. No, I'm not passing through some great affliction or trial, but little things in life do add up and become a heavy weight in my life and I have not dealt with them very patiently. This scripture helps me remember that I need patience because I know the Lord will help me through trials.

If you are down, passing through an affliction, having a disagreement with someone, find yourself impatient, or are just stressed out, please remember this scripture. It will help you so very much in life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ice Is NOT My Stage

Today was great! I got my calculus homework done early and then we went ice skating for family home evening. I already knew I was going to embarrass myself because I've only been ice skating once and that was when I was 9...but I only fell once! But I was holding on to the wall when I fell...So ice is clearly not my stage. It was tons of fun though!

Random thought: appreciate what you have. Do NOT take it for granted. The people and things you have were placed in your life for a reason. Everyone has a purpose, they are not here by coincidence. When you're mad at someone, just try to imagine what your life would be like without them.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Random Thought

Oh. Can I say that I LOVE the Hunger Games? I'm on Book 3: Mockingbird. Also, can I say that I LOVE Peeta Mellark? Can we just bring him to life? And I'll keep him all to myself? Yes. That sounds good.

Well, Hello there!

So today, I was reading through Audrey's blog and she inspired me to start my own. And since she was the inspiration, why not name my blog the name that Audrey calls me: Hoolietta! I've always wanted to keep a consistent journal, but it's never worked out for me very well. Soo I guess now I'll try a different approach. Fitting, since my lovely roommate Katelyn is giving a relief society lesson tomorrow about keeping a journal. Now I won't feel guilty while she's talking about it!

Well, now I'm sitting here after a long day watching Despicable Me. What have I done today? Woke up, went apartment shopping, drew on car windows (because there's finally snow!) read, read some more, and some more. Then, the FHE brothers came over because we were supposedly going to meet our new brother...which didn't happen. After they left, Natalie fittingly pulled out the awkward turtle sign. And now, here I am, watching Vector shoot a squid out of his squid gun. And methinks that is it for today!